Monday, April 27, 2009

On a Mission.... a better life. I've been wanting to make changes for a long time...and I spend a lot of time "talking" about it, without ever really getting around to it. So NO MORE....I need to just DO IT. One change I'm making( I've actually been making some 'small' changes in this area but now need to 'step it up" just a little) is getting in shape and getting healthy. I was going to mainly blog about it over at my OTHER weightloss blog...but you know, it's just too much clutter to try to mainntain two blogs and THIS is what my life is going to consist of for the next few weeks, at least, so why not just post about it here!

I also want to move towards a Simpler Lifestyle. I know I mention this ALL the time....and never really put in into practice, but I'm really starting to feel a 'shift' in myself, that I really am wanting to gravitate. I've made some progress with decluttering over the last few months , trying to sell our house, and I've learned I really can LIVE without SO MUCH STUFF. Lately I look thru my closets and realize I have SO MANY Clothes I couldn't even possibly wear them all in my lifetime....Why am I buying more? I feel myself pulled in so many different directions as to WHO I want to BE. What kind of will I will I act...I let too many outside influences have control over all that....I need to figure out exactly WHO 'I" want to BE....and just BE it. I need to figure out what LIFESTYLE 'I" want and stop trying to mimic the lifestyles of others. Or the lifestyle others seem to feel I fit...

One cool thing I've noticed is that lately I don't really feel much like shopping. I don't know...somethings changed...I'm content....I've been enjoying the nice Spring days. Taking care of me. Feeling better about myself. I want to purge more STUFF from my life...concentrate on myself somemore. Really step up the heatlthy eating and get out and move around I'm just going to DO IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When life brings major changes, self-examination is almost automatic. I'm doing the exact same thing. Trying to figure out who I am and who I want to be and how to get there. Our upheavals are different, but neither is more drastic or life altering. Your kids are now all "grown and gone" and your husband is out of the military and you're moving to another state...I'm getting a divorce and moving to an apartment (eventually) and starting life as a single woman again. They're all very major changes and taking stock and doing self-examination is necessary in order to get through those changes in a healthy way.


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