Saturday, February 23, 2008
No new news on Father Richardson. He is resting comfortably they tell us. He is still on the Ventilator and Sedated. As far as we can tell he is not on the Ventilator for 'life support"....he is only on it to help with his breathing...and give him the chance to recover from the pneumonia. He is still unable to have visitors in his room. Please keep him in your prayers.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Our Valentines
This is......
Father Richardson
Unfortunately on Tuesday he was Rushed to VA Beach General Hospital. He had been under the weather all last week with a cold and a cough. Turns out he has pneumonia. They say he is doing well. Please keep him in your Prayers. The Commander thought it would be nice if we went to see him tonight.. what better way to spend Valentine's than with a man whose whole congregation adores him. He is the nicest , sweetest, person I've ever known. I was touched that the Commander wanted us to go tonight and couldn't think of a better gift for us and for Father. The Commander has also offered to take me to Dinner afterwards...
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Monks' Meals
Do not be fooled by various pics of the Commander appearing to be engaging in Domestic Activities in my posts.....these are very rare incidences indeed.. which is why I feel the need to document them.........LOL
We had a good crowd( for OUR Church..we are a pretty small congregation)... Everyone enjoyed a good meal of Clam Chowder, Vegetable Soup, Cheddar Soup, an assortment of breads, Lemonaid, Water, Wine, and Coffee.
Afterwards we all particpated in the Stations of the Cross Service. I look forward to these Fridays in Lent. I really enjoy them.
Friday, February 08, 2008
How Cool
Lunch Date at K & T's Cafe
I had an awesome Crabcake Sandwich and potato salad. It's Lent meat on Fridays.
The best part is we all get to Dine together again tonight at church as we'll be having a Monk' s Meal before Stations of the Cross tonight. The Choir is in charge of tonight's meal. I am making Clam chowder( the cheater's version) Big Crockpot, Chunky's Clam chowder soup, two cans of Diced Potatos, two cans of Canned Corn, 3 cups of Milk. Voila Maggii's Clam Chowder!
if I'd have had more time I'd have made more of an effort to make it from scratch( ie.used real potatoes, peeled and chopped, maybe even gone so far as making my own Chowder Soup from scratch( scald the milk add flour, and fresh clams and frozen corn etc etc ) . But it was after 2:30 pm by the time we left Lunch and I still had to shop for the soup ingredients, so easy peasy it was.
Walls Walls Walls
This first one is a small snippet of my living room walls. Two walls are painted this barn red type color...and two walls are wood paneling ( which I hate but the Commander LOVES..@@)
This is my front entry. The front door is to the right of this wall. This is my favortie area of the whole house. I LOVE this color.
This is my upstairs hallway. I couldn't quite capture the color. It's a light aqua, but looks brighter than this in real life.
This is my Oldest son's room( the Genious..I'll have to explain that one of these days, I've never posted about it)
NO he didn't choose that color.... this was his little sisters room eons ago. When he moved back home this was his only option and he doesn't care enough to make us change it.
This is the Drama Teens room. Her favorite color is Purple. I should have taken pics of her furniture( which is all painted BRIGHT PINK) and her carpet(Leopard Print) . This room is too cool and the one room the Realtor said we should keep just for fun.
Here is my laundry room...I LOVE this color as well but the Commander thinks it's hideous! I told him, hey, "I'm" the one who has to spend my time in there doing laundry day in and day out, and "I" LIKE it . It makes it a nice 'cheery" room.
I think it's Green Apple.
This is the girls Bathroom. The color is Carnation Pink.They now share it with the Genious, but he didn't live here when we painted it. At that time it was just the girls who used this bathroom.
This is our Music/Computer room. I can't remember the name of this color ..but it looks like a nice blood red ..don't you think?
The Commander had this idea that he would make this room a sound studio and produce CD's for the Drama Teen..She's written a ton of her own songs and he has all the equipment to do it. Just hasn't found the time to actually sit down and mix a CD for her.
Here is a shot of some of my yarn stash in the Craft room. This yellow room is not to be confused with the Yellow area you see right out side the Genious's room. That other room at the the other end of the house and is just a small sitting room where the kids play video games.
I took this to show the view from my craft room thru the music room,thru the hallway,where you can see the pale aqua of the hall and part of the entry which extends to the second floor...if you go thru the dark blue arch there. and turn left you will be in the other yellow video games room and if you turn right after that you'll be in Genious's room.
almost an after....
Thursday, February 07, 2008
meetmark. by latest Aquisitions
and these cute Silver hoop Earrings....I bought them for myself Earlier and decided to get her a pair too.....they aren't bad....not the best I've seen from mark. Up close they kind of look cheesy...the material they used to make them looks cheap....but unless you're staring at them close-up two inches away.....they look pretty cute....and who really is going to get THAT close to notice...other than maybe your significant other ..who probably wont care..LOL
And finally this ......I really LOVE these little make-up kits mark. has been putting together.....They call them Flip for Its....It's a little Mirrored Compact...the middle part with the make-up rotates or 'flips" side has two eyeshadows and a blush...the other side has two Lipsticks and two Lipglosses...
.they have two other one's in the magalog right now as well...but they are 'unavailable" which ticks me off, seeing as the magalog only went live like two days the heck am I supposed to make my customers happy if they can't even order the cute stuff when it is supposed to come out...I was able to get my hands on the other two kits earlier this month...I kept this one and one of the others for myself and gave Drama Teen the third..then I tried to order the other two for her but was only able to get this one.
Oh BTW...Lauren ( as in Lauren's Fave up there) is Lauren Conrad from MTV's The Hills....I guess she's a spokesperson for meetmark. by Avon.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Ash Wednesday
But...we are also supposed to 'give something up" ...and every year I just can never decide what? So here it is the first day of Lent and I haven't come up with anything. Every year I say magazines and every year I just can't hold to it, so I really don't want to say that this year, as I'm sure I'll fail.
I could give up chocolate or something( a common standby)...but I really don't eat it often enough for it to really be a sacrifice...yes I know....that's sacrilege.. a woman who doesn't eat much chocolate....LOL...
I could give up all unnecessary shopping ..but where do I draw the line on that..what exactly would be unnecessary...and how will I buy my really cute Easter Outfit if I can't shop for it during Lent. Or maybe I can make an exception? or buy it on Saturday since Lent supposedly officially ends at noon on the Saturday before Easter.
Or maybe soda...but I rarely drink it anymore anyway annnndddd...I just bought two liters of diet Sprite which no one else will it will get wasted...the only other family member who would drink it is the Drama Teen who gave up 'soda'..LOL...
I could give up arguing with the Commander..but I have a feeling I'll totally forget all about THAT one by tomorrow..LOL
I think I'm just a REALLY selfish person......oh well......I'll keep thinking about it and maybe by Easter I'll have come up with something.
7 Random Things
Here are the rules, and they must be posted to your blog. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you (see above). List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog and also so they can look at your blog and not tag the same people all over again!
1. I spoke French until I was 5 years old..I learned to speak English in school ....unfortunately I've completely lost my French :(
2. I got married ONE week after Graduating High School and am still married to him 25 years later.
3. I talk to I seriously carry on conversations...LOL
4. I've been to every state except Alaska and North Dakota
5. I LIKE my teen daughters and they LIKE me back( actually one of them isn't a 'teen' anymore ..she's now 20)...we've never had any of that Teen Hormone induced Angst....I can pick out their clothes for them and they actually LIKE them...LOL
6. I can't wink....
7. Until we moved here, 11 years ago....I had never lived anywhere longer 3 years ...the longest I'd ever lived in the same 'home' was 4 years and THAT was in two DIFFERENT states...LOL( it was a mobile home and we took it with us to a new state)My dad was in the AF and I married an AF man who later switched to the Navy...LOL
Ok so who doI tag?
Veteran Military Wife
Fallen Behind
Aw thanks Laura!!!!
Now I need to award it to my ten bloggers I feel are "Excellent"...Like Laura there are lot let's see if I can Narrow it down....of course I'd award Laura if she hadn't already been awarded...
so here's my list in no particular order because I really like you all for all kinds of different reasons...
1. There's Laurie over at Romance and Roses I like to stop over there from time to time to see how the House is coming along...she lost her home to Katrina and is finally moving in to their newly built home! I have a soft spot for her as My family lives in the same area ( although luckily none lost their homes).
2.and BooMama, I love her blog and have been reading it for awhile....I enjoy her Tour of Homes.
3. Ashley over at Ashley's Closet this girl is HILARIOUS!! You have to go over and read her stuff....better than Dooce IMO. I'm sure she'll appreciate that compliment. LOL I'm sure she'll be excited over getting an AWARD( if you read her site you'll see what I mean) although she'll probably be pissed I didn't list her 1st..LOL
4.then there's Life With Hannah and Lily , I found this one right after the untimely death of her young daughter Hannah and it just tore at my heartstrings. She's come thru it with Strength and Faith and I just find her to be such an inspiration.
5. and also Nitty Gritty who also lost her young daughter in a horrible accident a few years's inspirational how she has kept her family together thru a crisis. and made it thru with her Faith in God intact.
6. Kerry over at More, More, More. I love her Style and wish I had her life..LOL
7. I've been Readin Posy Gets Cosy for quite a while and think it's awesome how 'famous' Alicia is getting ...I keep seeing her in all my favorite magazines...and think how cool is that...I already knew about her...LOL
8. Lately I've been really into French bloggers...I can't hardly understand most of what they write, but LOVE looking at their blogs and seeing their fashion and decor... this one is my favorite...Lao sur la Colline ....her kids are too adorable.
9. A recent find that I really like is Sustainable Style ..I like the way she thinks although I don't think I could do it..I kinda like my 'McMansion" thank you very much...LOL...I still like the way she thinks though.
10. and Last but not least, I think I've been reading this blogger the longest. and have always liked the way she thinks too. Lisa at Wordy Diva.. I started reading her way back when she was Madame Insane, then she switched to something else ..then seemed to drop off the face of the earth and just recently I found her again at Wordy Diva ....YEAH!!
Actually there are sooooo many more that I lOVE to read and if I have time later maybe I'll add a few Honorable mentions or was so hard to decide which one's to award.
One thing I KNOW I need to do is update my sidebar...all of these bloggers should be over there and at least one should probably be removed...I've always like Homakerang....but as she went private a while back I can't read her anymore..and I have no idea how to contact her to even ask to be invited....last time I was able to read her she was expecting a baby...which she's probably had by now...hopefully everything went ok. If I were still able to read her she probably would have been one of my picks for the Excellence Award.