Friday, December 01, 2006

Snapping Out of It.......

Ok...whineytime is over.....time to get into the Holiday Spirit!! I feel a lot better today...I sent off a heartfelt e-mail to DH today explaining my feelings and letting him know that as of today I'm just going to drop the subject( of him not being emotionally there for me) and get on with enjoying the CHRISTmas Christmas...

We usually put up a real tree each year ..but with DH gone this year I really don't want to hassle with a 'real" tree.......Plus we are going to Mississippi for Christmas so I hate to leave a real tree up while we are gone...I've been wanting to get a fake one for a while now anyway....I'm tired of having to keep watering( which I always forget-another reason I didn't want to get a real one this year with Dh gone..HE's the one who always remembers to water it) and dealing with falling pine needles( they hurt when you step on they're a mess to clean up)so I treated myself to a nice 'fake" one...I really like it 'almost" looks real.....I also love that it's more having to hassle with stringing lights....on the tree at least........I'm sure once I get the rest of the decorations on it it will be hard to tell it isn't...right now I only have a few decorations on it ...that I bought the day I bought the tree..I need to go up to the attic and drag down all the Christmas decorations....later today I think I will start baking cookies....I'm going to enjoy this Christmas if it kills me...LOL

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