Saturday, March 15, 2008

Oh My

So....I've dropped off the face of the Earth yet again.....

What have I been up to...let's see...

Last time I posted I was about to go see the Drama Teen's Encore Performance of School House Rock. It was AWESOME!! Better than the first time.

here are a few pics:

We worked on more Banners for Church:

Went to Lunch with the Church Ladies:

Rescued the Co-ed in Fayetteville when her car broke down...she was on her way back from Spring Break in Charleston. I arranged a tow for her over the phone from here and drove the 3 hours to get to her. She spent the weekend at home and then I took her back to Va Tech. We had lunch together at Cafe de Bangkok. She ordered Drunken Noodles and I had that my old standby, Masaman. Then we ordered some Banana Fritters for Dessert. YUMMMM:

The Commander went on Deployment for a few weeks...he flew in from the ship early so they could fly him out to San Diego for a conference. He was Home less than 24 hours. He's back now though , for a couple of weeks. Woo Hoo.

and we've gotten a little more done on Operation House. We started stripping the Wallpaper in the Kitchen right before the Commander Deployed. He wasn't quite able to get it all down before leaving so I finished and I primed the walls and got a little paint up. We still need to finish. I did remember to get a few 'before" pics this time though:



I'll post more when I have some afters.

We also bought some Marble Tile to redo our entry :

And that about sums it up...I'm sure there was a ton more that has happened but I just can't remember it all. I probably wouldn't have remembered all this, had it not been for the pictures I took. LOL

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